I am interested, as a healer and writer, in the inner geography of a person and the outer geography of the terrain as they relate and mirror each other. The world reveals itself in the body and landscape with all its layers and textures evoked by time and memory. Deep healing is explored through relationships and connections that include vulnerability and loss. The details that I attach specific attention to in a place and person are remembered yet mysteriously feel as if I am discovering them for the first time. While embracing the moment, I watch and listen with intention and attention as I enter the liminal space between what is known and what is unknown.

Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word “love” here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace, not in the infantile American sense of being happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest, and daring, and growth.

~James Baldwin

There are lots of ways to dance and to spin, sometimes it just starts my feet first then my entire body, I am spinning no one can see it but it is happening. I am so glad to be alive, I am so glad to be loving and loved. Even if I were close to the finish, even if I were at my final breath, I would be here to take a stand, bereft of such astonishments, but for them.

If I were a sufi for sure I would be one of the spinning kind.

~Mary Oliver